André Aline Moreira Brandão,Gomes Cristiano Mauro Assis,Loureiro Cybelle Maria Veiga
Psychological studies aimed at validating tests have been taking place for several years and have influenced various professions, such as music therapy. Music therapy emerged as a profession after the Second World War and since then it has proved to be effective for the treatment of various health conditions. In recent decades, studies on the validity of music therapy instruments have increased. This current article aimed to verify the structural validity of two instruments for music therapy assessment called “Child-Therapist Relationship in Coactive Musical Experience Scale” and the “Musical Communicativeness Scale”. As a methodology, the scales were used to evaluate 120 excerpts from music therapy sessions performed to a patient diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Different models were tested through item confirmatory factor analysis. The use of this two scales for measuring with confidence only general latent variable, the interaction, for the assessed patient was shown, considering the 120 excerpts of videos.
South Florida Publishing LLC
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