1. Armenian National Agrarian University
2. Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology, NAS RA
Chemical and microbiological preparations have been tested to fight against black locust gall midge (Obolodiplosis robiniae) and sawflies (Euura tibialis). Among the insecticides applied against the sawflies, chemical preparation “Anthio” with 1.7 L/ha consumption rate and Bt 26-70 strain with the dose of 3 L/ha concentrate have provided the highest efficiency, the indices of which were 91.1 % and 90.0 % respectively. In the struggle against the black locust gall midge, relatively higher indices were recorded when applying “Akpelin” preparation (92.2 %) with 1 L/ha consumption rate and 3 L/ha Bt 26-70 strain (82.4 %).
Armenian National Agrarian University
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1 articles.