1. Research Center of Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Sanitary Expertise, ANAU
In this article, we present the course and results of scientific research aimed at calculation of the concentration of somatic cells in cow's milk to detect subclinical mastitis in individual farms of the Republic of Armenia. Comparison of somatic cell concentrations in milk from healthy and sick cows with subclinical mastitis, analysis and comparison of blood morphological parameters in sick and healthy animals has been implemented and the relationship between somatic cell concentration in milk and morphological abnormalities in sick cow blood has been identified. SC concentrations between 300 and 500 thousand/ml are indicative of mastitis risk. In this case, the type of reaction manifested was positive. It was found that the viscosity of the investigated solution "Somatic plus" + milk increases in proportion to the increasing concentration of somatic cells in the milk sample, which indicates subclinical mastitis. A study of the morphological parameters of blood in healthy and subclinical mastitis animals revealed some deviations from the reference values of blood parameters, leading to the conclusion that these changes in animals' blood are related to an increase in the number of milk's somatic cells. Increased leukocytes were found in sick animals' blood. This was followed by an increase in stab neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, lymphocytes, and ESR. As a result of all this, the body is experiencing inflammatory processes mobilizing its defensive mechanisms against pathogens.
Armenian National Agrarian University
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