
Badalyan M.V.1ORCID,Melikyan A.Sh.1,Aloyan T.B.1,Sahakyan A.J.1


1. “Agrobiotechnology Scientific Center”, ANAU


The crops variety growing in Armenia has not been fully explored yet, hence, their genetic potential has not been revealed. Therefore, study of gliadin (Gld) locus contained in cereals’ embryo will further clarify the process of allelofunds and genotypes, homozygocity and heterozigocity, genetic similarity, genetic formula and genomic analysis of studied cultivars and wild species. The research was carried out in 2021-2022 in the educational laboratory of Food Quality Control of the Armenian National Agrarian University. The samples of the studied plants were taken from the ex-situ seed collection of the National Genebank of Agricultural Crops and their Wild Relatives of the “Scientific Center of Agro-Biotechnology” branch of the Armenian National Agrarian University. From the electrophoretic spectrum of gliadin (Gld) for the study and identification of the genetic diversity of the inventory samples of cereals diversity protein formulas were deciphered, allelotypes and genotypes, homozygosity and heterozygosity levels were determined, and genomic analysis was performed. According to the genomic analysis of the studied cereals varieties and wild relatives using protein markers, gliadin is spread into four zones: α, β, γ and ω. The genes regulating the synthesis of different parts of gliadin of α, β, γ, ω zones, are polymorphic located in chromosomes 6B(S), 1A(S), 1B(S), 1D(S), and in the case of Alti aghaj, Voskehask and Gjulgian also in 6A chromosome. There are no genes regulating the synthesis of gliadin segments in chromosome 6D(α). Research results, as genetic markers, can be used in identification and selection of studied varieties and wild species.


Armenian National Agrarian University


General Medicine

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