1. Armenian National Agrarian University
2. Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia
Throughout 121 days of winter pasture period, the animals aged 9.0-12.9 months old were grazed on without supplemental feeding.
The study was carried out in the winter pasture of Yeghegnut community, Armavir region of RA. 10 heads from Holstein and Flekvi heifers each, kept in stalls were selected for the research. During 121 days of winter grazing, female calves from 9.0 to 12.9 month-old were in the pasture from 12:00 to 17:00 and during the remaining 19 hours in the cattle shed, without additional feeding.
Absolute, average daily, relative weight gain and growth factors were determined on the basis of weighing and body part measurements at the beginning and end of winter grazing.
According to the weight growth data, the absolute weight gain of a 9.0-12.9-month-old female Holstein calf was 71.4 kg, the average daily weight gain was 610 g, the relative weight gain was 30.6 %, the growth factor was 1.4 times, compensation for 1 kg weight gainer – 5.4 energy feed units, and for the Flekvi breed – 62.6 kg, 535 g, 27 %,1.3 times, and 6.2 energy feed units, respectively.
According to the data of linear growth, the height of the body parts of the 9.0-12.9 -month-old female Holstein breed increased by 3.0-3.7, width by 3.0-3.3, length by 0.9-4.3, chest depth – 3.1, breast width – 3.6, forearm width – 0.7 cm, and Flekvi – 2.3-3.2, 0.7-2.6, 0.7-6.1, 1.7, 5.5 and 1.4 cm, respectively.
Body composition indices also prove that the body structure of the 12.9-month-old female Holstein and Flekvi breeds has also developed proportionally.
Therefore, we suggest to graze 6-month-old calves and older animals of different gender and age groups in the Armavir region of RA in winter pastures.
Armenian National Agrarian University
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