
Nikoghosyan E.A.1,Vardanyan A.V.1,Grigoryan Լ.H.1,Melkonyan Zh.S.1


1. Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Sanitary Expertise


The research aimed to identify latent mastitis in cows on farms in the Republic of Armenia by counting somatic cells in milk using the California method. Among the 170 animals examined, 60 had latent mastitis, which comprised 35.2 % of the population. The highest incidence was observed in the Vayoc Dzor region (50 %), while the lowest was found in the Sunik region (25 %). It was found that 40 animals (23.5 %) showed a pronounced reaction to mastitis, and the concentration of somatic cells in milk was 300-500 thousand/sm3 . 20 animals demonstrated a positive reaction to the test (11.7 %), and the number of somatic cells in milk exceeded 500 thousand/sm3. A microbiological study of milk from animals with subclinical mastitis was conducted to determine the species composition of pathogenic microflora. The study indicated that the milk was highly contaminated with staphylococcus, streptococcus, corynebacterial, E. coli, mycoplasma, candida, etc. A rise in leukocytes was observed in the blood of sick animals, as well as increases in band neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, lymphocytes, and ESRs. All this indicates, there is an inflammatory process present in the body and the immune system is mobilizing to fight pathology.


Armenian National Agrarian University

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