Descriptions and illustrations of the key morphological characters for six new species of Alchemilla ser. Calycinae (A. bezengiensis, A. kazbekensis, A. longipedicellata, A. muldaschevii, A. pseudotranscaucasica, A. ptyschensis) are presented. A. bezengiensis (A. aggr. ellenbergiana) differs from related species by hairy stems throughout and/or densely hairy hypanthia, and/or hairy lower leaf surface. A. kazbekensis (A. aggr. dura) is formally close to A. ser. Elatae by having patent indumentum of stems and petioles that differs it from all other Calycinae. A. longipedicellata (A.aggr. abchasica) is distinguished from most members of the aggregate by fewer leaf lobes and/or glabrous hypanthia, from other Calycinae – by numerous teeth of leaf blades and/or slightly dissected leaves. The three last species belong to A. aggr. transcaucasica being quite similar by appearance. A. muldaschevii differs from relatives by having entirely glabrous stems and orbicular upper radical leaves with overlapped basal lobes. A. pseudotranscaucasica, in comparison with others, has evenly hairy leaves beneath and stems hairy throughout, but glabrous hypanthia. A. ptyschensis is distinguished from other species of the aggregate by stems hairy only at the lowermost internode; from other Calycinae – besides the stem indumentum by longer truncate leaf lobes and glabrous at the base main veins of leaf blades.
Plant Science,Ecology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics