The objective of the study is numerical modeling of the relationship between resources and results of water utilities with consideration of the accident factor. Usage of numerical methods to assess and predict the reduction of accident rate of a water utility enterprise during its development can be considered as a novelty. Eight Russian cities and their water utility enterprises are taken as an example for developing and testing the numerical model, which applied further to solve the problem. Only three out of eight enterprises with mixed ownership (Voronezh, Cheboksary, and Yakutsk) are able to improve their efficiency by following the predicted conditions of the minimal accident rate. Starting points with external sources are considered to be the most effective for external investment when external resources are transformed into results as effectively as possible. There are two water utility enterprises in this category during the 2013- 2017 period — Voronezh (2nd and 4th periods) and Orenburg (3rd period). It is shown that the growth point and the starting point with internal sources are the most effective when using their own resources.