
Коваленко (Kovalenko) Наталья (Natal'ya) Александровна (Aleksandrovna),Ахрамович (Ahramovich) Татьяна (Tat'yana) Игоревна (Igorevna),Супиченко (Supichenko) Галина (Galina) Николаевна (Nikolaevna),Сачивко (Sachivko) Татьяна (Tat'yana) Владимировна (Vladimirovna),Босак (Bosak) Виктор (Viktor) Николаевич (Nikolaevich)


The steam distillation method was used to obtain samples of essential oil of plants of three varieties Hyssopus officinalis L., cultivated in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. More than 20 components were identified and determined in the essential oils of plants of the varieties Lazurit, Rozotsvetkovy, Zaveya by gas-liquid chromatography. It has been established that the studied varieties of Hyssopus officinalis belong to the pinocamphone chemotype. The main components are pinocamphone (67.6–76.0%), β-pinene, eugenol, limonene, camphene, sabinene, linalool, 1,8-cineole, α-terpineol, α-pinene, γ-terpinene and pinocampheol. The distribution of the enantiomers of a-and b-pinenes, camphene, limonene and linalool was established in the studied samples. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils and optical isomers of pure β-pinene was investigated on Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella alony, Bacillus subtilis, Clostridium sp., Escherichia coli Hfr H, Pseudomonas aeruosa by disc method. It is shown that (+)-β-pinene showed higher antibacterial activity to (-)-β-pinene. The increased content of (+)-β-pinene in the varieties of Hyssopus officinalis with pink (Rosacea variety) and white (Zaveya variety) aureoles of flowers caused a higher antibacterial activity of their essential oils against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.


Altai State University


Organic Chemistry,Plant Science,Biomaterials

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