Burkova Valentina Nikolayevna,Sergun Valeriy Petrovich,Ivanov Aleksandr Anatolʹyevich
The review summarizes literature data and presents the data obtained by the authors on the chemical composition, antioxidant and pharmacological activity of an aqueous extract of Siberian fir (Abies sibirica L.). Fir is widely used in folk medicine as a tonic, anti-cold, bactericidal, antiscorbutic agent. One of the most promising in terms of study and use as a herbal medicine is an aqueous extract of Siberian fir, obtained by water-steam distillation of fir paws. On the basis of this extract, a number of drugs have been created that have a wide spectrum of pharmacological action. The review presents data on the study of the chemical composition of an aqueous extract of Siberian fir, which demonstrate the complexity and multicomponent nature of its composition. The main biologically active substances of the water extract of fir are maltol, anthocyanins, terpene, tanning and other compounds. The authors found that the concentration of an aqueous extract of Siberian fir leads to an increase in its composition of tannins and an increase in the antioxidant activity of the extract. Analysis of the literature data and the results obtained by the authors on the study of pharmacological activity shows that the aqueous extract of Siberian fir has an adaptogenic, antihypoxic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiradiation, antioxidant, immunomodulatory effect. The information presented in the review demonstrates that the aqueous extract of Siberian fir, due to the availability of raw materials, positive experience in the treatment and prevention of a wide range of diseases, is promising for its further study and creation on its basis of new effective medicinal, parapharmaceutical agents and other types of products.
Organic Chemistry,Plant Science,Biomaterials
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