Prakhova Tat'yana Yakovlevna,Turina Elena Leonidovna
The object of the study was oilseeds of winter camelina grown in regions with contrasting climatic conditions: the forest-steppe of the Middle Volga region (Penza Research Institute of Agriculture) and the steppe zone of Crimea (Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea).
The aim of the study is to determine the biochemical parameters of winter camelina, to study its fatty acid and amino acid composition, depending on the region of cultivation.
The climate of the Middle Volga region is temperate continental. The amount of annual precipitation varies from 350 to 750 mm, the average annual temperature is 5.3 °С. The climate of the steppe Crimea is continental, the average annual temperature reaches 10.2 °С, the amount of precipitation per year is 350–450 mm.
The largest share in camelina seed oil is linolenic acid, the percentage of which was 33.79 (Crimea) and 34.87 (Penza). The concentration of linoleic and oleic acids is 16.12–17.98 and 14.82–15.70%, depending on the growing region. The content of palmitic acid is 4.93 and 5.17%, eicosene – 15.46 and 15.84%, erucic 3.15 and 3.16%. The ratio of linolenic (ω-3) and linoleic (ω-6) acids is on average 2 : 1.
In the seeds of camelina, 18 amino acids were identified, including 9 irreplaceable ones, the content of which was 7.28 and 8.53%. Camelina proteins contain a high amount of leucine (2.14–3.02%), valine (1.01–1.25%), lysine (1.07–1.28%), proline (1.02–1.45%), glycine (1.13–1.46%), alanine (0.93–1.22%), serine (1.02–1.26%) and methionine (0.34–0.37%).
It was found that camelina oilseeds contain tocopherols 0.085-0.098%, carotenoids 0.002%, steroids 0.144–0.145% and squalene 0.09–0.10%, depending on the region.
Organic Chemistry,Plant Science,Biomaterials
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