Parshina Anastasiya Eduardovna,Mamatmurodov Khurshed Begmakhmadovich,Bogolitsyn Konstantin Grigor'yevich,Polomarchuk Dar'ya Alekseyevna,Popov Nikolay Vladimirovich
Arctic brown algae are a valuable source of a wide range of biologically active compounds, including the lipid-pigment complex, which is composed of pigments (chlorophylls, carotenoids) and fatty acids. The currently used brown algae processing technologies use only a part of the biomass, since they are usually aimed at the selective isolation of individual components or narrow fractions. It complicates the achievement of the requirements for a highly efficient processing of plant materials. The physicochemical nature of the solvent (isopropyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, acetone, dimethyl sulfoxide) has a significant effect on the yield of components of the brown algae. Most macroalgae components are polar substances; therefore, it requires usage of solvents with a high polarity index for their extraction. Lipophilic components (pigments) tended to be solubilized by moderately polar solvents. Thus, the aim of this study is to develop a method for obtaining a complex extract of Arctic brown algae using binary systems of organic solvents with water. The advantages of using isopropyl alcohol to obtain extracts of biologically active substances is substantiated. It is shown that the binary system isopropyl alcohol-water (40 : 60) has the best extracting ability with respect to most components of the composition of the Arctic brown algae.