The article is devoted to topical problems of labor rationing in organizations of the real sector of the economy. First, the author reveals the meaning and essence of labor rationing, gives a retrospective of approaches to labor rationing, clarifies the concept and content of intra-organizational labor rationing in modern conditions. Taking into account the possibilities of using modern information and communication technologies in the organization of labor rationing, due attention is not paid. In this regard, the leading organizations of various types of activities of the Altai Territory studied the features and modern problems of intra-organizational regulation of labor. The provision of the staff and the conditions for training specialists — work rate setters in organizations, the used normative reference books, the applied methods of work rate setting, assessed the quality level of the current labor standards. The author has systematized traditional and modern domestic and foreign methods of microelement rationing of labor. Based on the results of the study, the author presents specific recommendations for building a microelement regulatory framework for an organization in the context of digitalization. Among them deserve the greatest interest, according to the author, specific automated systems and programs for the rationing of labor, as well as the graphic-analytical method and the Gauss method.
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