The Genesis of the Internal Convictions of a Law Enforcement Officer in the Process of Interpreting the Norms of Law


Sorokin Vitaly


The article describes the forms of objectification of language in law. Language is considered by the author not just as a way of communicating legal information, but as a mediator of the meaning of law. The role of legal definitions in legal operations is characterized. The language correlates with the spheres of the spirit of law and the legal process. Language is an important nation-forming factor. It is not limited to providing communication between subjects using verbal and non-verbal means. In the legal sphere, the word carries the spirit of law, for it is the embodiment of this spirit. Receiving a linguistic expression, the spirit of law is objectified. At the same time, the legal literature presents a limited view on the functions of language in law. As a rule, they include display function(expression of the will of the legislator outside) and communicative one (bringing this will to the attention of participants in public relations). At the same time, the most important functions of language in law are ignored: system-preserving, meaning-forming and spiritual. At the same time, the author warns against the absolutization of linguistic means in law.


Altai State University


General Medicine

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