The relevance of the article is due to the importance for making managerial decisions to counteract the spread of the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances by the population or its individual groups not for medical purposes. In this vein, the article implements the goal of assessing the state of the drug situation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory as one of the most important components of the social security of the region in the context of analyzing the results of a sociological study conducted during the annual monitoring of this situation in 2021, according to a single generally accepted methodology. The article also used separate research results from previous years, starting from 2017, to assess the dynamics and direction of the drug situation in the region. The author notes the relative stability of the drug situation and the level of drug addiction in the Krasnoyarsk Territory over the past years. It remains relevant for the region to increase the level of anti-drug culture, to activate and improve the activities of various subjects of anti-narcotic prevention to counteract the spread of drug addiction, including the search for effective forms and methods of suppressing the use of drug distributors, etc.
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