
Shmatova Yuliya E.,Razvarina Irina N.ORCID


A health-preserving environment in educational institutions is extremely important for the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, and also contributes to the growth of the human potential of society. The purpose of this work is to analyze the problems and prospects of health saving in educational organizations of the Vologda Oblast based on the data of an expert survey of managers and specialists in the field of health and education conducted by specialists of the Vologda Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences within the framework of the project "Studying the conditions for the formation of a healthy generation". Among the main risk factors for children's health, experts call improper and irregular nutrition, increased academic load, reduced motor activity in the fresh air, and a fascination with gadgets. In general, specialists in the fields of education and health care consider their interaction in matters of improving the health of pupils and pupils sufficient and effective. However, during the interview, a number of shortcomings were revealed in the system of health care for children in schools and kindergartens: the absence of a permanent medical worker (pediatrician, paramedic, nurse); the lack of narrow specialists (psychologist, speech pathologist, speech therapist, physical therapy instructor, etc.); the elimination of the practice of dental examinations; violation of sanitary and epidemiological rules in terms of the use of equipment (in particular ophthalmologists); insufficient continuity of information about the neuropsychiatric development of the child upon admission to school; insufficiency of specific prevention, lack of comprehensive practice-oriented programs for health care and "health lessons". A number of organizational, personnel, regulatory, informational, methodological, material and technical conditions for improving the efficiency of health saving in educational institutions are also presented.


Altai State University

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