
Natsun Leyla N.ORCID


The health of women of reproductive age is the basis for forming the health of new generations of the population. Reducing preventable mortality and morbidity of women with diseases that reduce their reproductive potential, as well as motivating them to lead a healthy lifestyle are urgent tasks in the field of strengthening the demographic potential of the country. The purpose of this work is to analyze themain indicators that characterize the health of women of reproductive age in Russia, as well as the characteristics of behavioral factors that affect the health of this category of population. The information base of the study was made up of the works of domestic and foreign authors, statistical data, and materials of selective observation of behavioral factors affecting the health of the population (for 2018), conducted by the Federal state statistics service. It is shown that, despite the improvement of individual indicators of health of women of reproductive age, an actual threat to it is an increase in the incidence of neoplasms and infertility. Analysis of sample observation data allowed to expand the number of problems identified in the statistics. It was found that different age groups of women of reproductive age have different combinations of behavioral factors that affect health. In the future, it is planned to expand the results obtained by adding an analysis of regional sociological research data.


Altai State University

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