Alien species of vascular plants of Taimyr


Pospelova E. B.,Pospelov I. N.


The features of alien plant species distribution in Taimyr district of Krasnoyarsk region are characterized. Totally, 54 alien plant species (5.5 % of the district’s flora) were found in the area, 27 of them were observed by the authors more than once or found in the region for the first time. The general features of the distribution, occurrence and timing of these species are given. For row of species, methods of introduction and assessment of population dynamics (emergence and extinction) are considered. It has been noted that a large part of noted imported species populations are very short-lived (1-2 years, rarely more). It is also discussed whether certain species are alien or natural. A relatively new group of introduced species - those spreading from culture (mainly from lawn mixtures) - has been identified that requires a separate special study. The likelihood of significant introductions of alien species into natural ecosystems, based on available observations, is assessed as low. As a rule, introduced plant species appear only in the early stages of post-anthropogenic succession or under constant influence of technogenic factors, later they are still superseded by the native pioneer erosiophilic species. Nevertheless, the need to monitor the invasion of alien species and the dynamics of their populations remains relevant as a general element in the dynamics of the composition of the Arctic flora.


Altai State University


General Medicine

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