Contribution of higher aquatic vegetation to the formation of organic matter of the Novosibirsk reservoir in 2022


Sokolova M. I.,Zarubina E. Yu.


This work is devoted to assessing the productivity of higher aquatic and coastal aquatic vegetation and assessing the contribution of macrophytes to the formation of organic matter of the Novosibirsk reservoir. As part of the complex expedition in 2022, studies were carried out on key sections of the reservoir: Krutikhinsky shallow water (upper part), Chingis and Sharapsky bays (middle part), Karakansky, Irmensky, Burmistrovsky and Berdsky bays (lower part of the reservoir). In the course of field work, the composition of dominant communities and the biomass of air-water (helophytes), floating (pleistophytes) and submerged (hydrophytes) plants were determined. The long period of filling the reservoir in 2022 had a negative impact on the productivity of aquatic vegetation. The most productive were communities of air-aquatic plants, the average annual production of which was 418.4 ± 35 g of carbon, the average annual production of communities of hydrophytes and pleistophytes did not exceed 235 ± 21 g/m2 or 125 ± 11 g of carbon, respectively.


Altai State University


General Medicine

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