Materials for the flora of the park named after the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol (Kirov)


Shabalkina S. V.,Perestoronina O. N.


The results of the analysis of the composition and structure of flora of the park named after the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol in the city of Kirov are presented. The study was conducted in 2021-2022 by route-reconnaissance method in combination with geobotanical descriptions of individual communities on temporary sample plots using traditional methods. Vegetation cover is represented by plantings of Betula pendula Roth, groupings of Pinus sylvestris L. and Populus tremula L., open meadow areas, laid alleys of shrubs and trees. The flora of vascular plants includes 125 taxa from 96 genera, 37 families, three classes and two divisions. Convallaria majalis L is found in the park, its cenopopulations require constant control and monitoring of the state in Kirov region. Plants are distributed into 14 ecological-coenotic groups, dominated among them by the number of species of wet-meadow (38.4 %) and nemoral (15.2 %). In the spectrum of biological types hemicryptophytes dominate (60.8 %); in the biomorphological structure -terrestrial herbaceous polycarpics (68.0 %), among them are short-rhizomatous (20.8 %), long-rhizomatous (15.2 %) and tap-rooted (13.6 %) herbs. Flora includes plants of five stages of hemerobia; dominated by species resistant to anthropogenic impact - mesohemerobes (93.3 %); a few taxons, which may tolerate minor soil disturbances - ^-euhemerobes (75.6 %). The revealed spectra suggest that the flora has undergone little transformation during the almost 60-year existence of the park, and to be close to the original meadow community, on the site of which the park was laid out.


Altai State University


General Medicine

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