Alien plants of the flora of Baikal Siberia - updating floristic data


Sutkin A. V.,Vinkovskaya O. P.,Krasnopevtseva A. S


Information about composition of the alien fraction of the flora of Baikal Siberia (BS) is given, which includes 465 species and subspecies of alien plants belonging to 282 genera and 70 families. At the same time, the same number of alien species were noted in the Irkutsk region (IO) as in the Republic of Buryatia (RB) and Zabaikalsky krai (ZK) combined. Alien plants are extremely unevenly distributed over the territory of the BS, in some areas (the north of the RB and ZK) information on the location of adventitious species is completely absent. In terms of the number of recorded adventitious species and the number of observations of them, the area Pyu 5 is the leader on the territory of which there is a large transport hub - the city of Irkutsk. The floristic data on the occurrence and distribution of alien plant species in the BS regions were updated and detailed by floristic regions according to the literature data and using the portals GBIF. org (iNaturalist Research-grade Observation), It was found that the division of the floristic regions of the BS according to the alien element of vascular flora occurred more in the longitudinal than in the latitudinal directions, similar western regions of the Irkutsk region and eastern regions of the Republic of Belarus and West Kazakhstan were distinguished. A cluster of similarities between floristic regions of the BS was built according to the adventitious flora element.


Altai State University


General Medicine

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