Population dynamics and biology of Orchis mascula (Orchidaceae Juss.) in the Sochi Black Sea region


Averyanova E. A.


Orchis mascula (L.) L. is widely distributed in the Sochi Black Sea region. It occurs in forest phytocenoses of the low-mountain and mid-mountain belts of the southern macroslope of the Main Caucasian Range. The number in individual populations is from a few individuals to several tens, usually the populations are dispersed over large areas. The abundance varies greatly depending on weather conditions and other factors. O. mascula can be attributed to hemie-phemeroids, i.e., having spring-early summer green shoots with a period of summer-autumn-winter dormancy. The growing season lasts 3.5-4 months. The ontogenetic spectra of the studied populations are complete with a predominance of young individuals. The dynamics of the ontogenetic structure of the cenopopulation from the beech-hornbeam forest for 8 years is shown. The population is full-membered, normal type, stable. Seed renewal. Fruit formation is about 23 %. The average number of fruits formed on one individual was 4.8. The number of seeds in one fruit is on average 9000, one individual produces up to 45 thousand full-fledged seeds per season. Seeds of Orchis-type, pear-shaped, about 370 цш long; the embryo is large, round in projection. The species is protected in the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve and the Sochi National Park.


Altai State University


General Medicine

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