Promising useful plants of the genus Iris L. in the collection of the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great, cultivation features


Alexeeva N. B.,Varfolomeeva E. A


Information on biological properties of 11 species of the genus Iris (Iridaceae), on the prospects for their practical use, and the features of their care in the collection is presented. The article is the result of a long-term study of irises in nature and in the Iridarium collection, in addition, extensive literature is used that characterizes the chemical composition and medicinal properties of plants. It has been shown that the resistance of plants themselves to diseases, for example, to bacteriosis, depends on the content of various derivatives of phenolcarboxylic acids plants. If it is higher, theplants are more resistant to bacteriosis, as in I. ensata, I. lactea s. l., I. pseudacorus, I. sibirica. This conclusion is confirmed by the fact that groups of irises that do not have such a quantity of phenolcarboxylic acids derivatives are unstable to bacteriosis, such species are I. aphylla, I. furcata, I. pumila. Plants of I. lactea s. l., I. ruthenica, which have anthelmintic properties, are not affected by nematodes, both rhizomatous and leafy. It was noted that irises with a high content of ascorbic acid in the leaves have winter hardiness (I. setosa - 1218 мг%). Conclusions are drawn, which were confirmed by experience, about the important role of organic acids in plant sap and their resistance to diseases.


Altai State University


General Medicine

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