Assessment of the resource base of Rumex tianschanicus Losinsk. in the mountain regions of southeastern Kazakhstan


Gemejiyeva N. G.,Ramazanova M. S.,Arysbaeva R. B.,Kerdyashkin A. V.,Rybakov I. A.


Inventory of stock economically valuable plant species is one of the urgent tasks in the regional cadastral assessing of plant resources. The results of this will be applied to conduct state monitoring and the flora cadastre in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Genus Rumex L. belongs to Polygonaceae Juss. family and represented by 27 species in the flora of Kazakhstan including 15 medicinal which used in folk and official medicine. For the first time undertaken a cadastre assessment of current ecological state of the flora and plant resources in Almaty region, the stocks of plant raw material of the valuable medicinal Rumex tianschanicus, have been identified and taken into account in 2021-2022 years on the 3 floristic territories (24. Dzhungarsky Alatau, 25. Zailiysky Kungei Alatau, 25a. Ketmen-Terskey Alatau) and 4 administrative (Eskeldinsky, Kegensky, Raiymbeksky, Uigursky) districts. The resource survey of the territories carried out by a route-reconnaissance method using generally accepted resource-study and geobotanical methods. On the surveyed territory the total operational reserve of air-dry underground part of Rumex tianschanicus was 169.5 tons on 113.3 hectares with a total volume of possible annual harvesting of 17.0 tons of air-dry plant raw materials. For commercial harvesting thickets were isolated ridges of Ketmen (Uigur district) and Terskey Alatau (Raiymbek district) which located within 25a floristic region in the southeast of the Almaty region.


Altai State University


General Medicine

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