Taxonomic composition and ecological and geographical characteristics of phytoplankton of Kulundinsky Lake (Altai Territory)


Kosacheva Yu. N.,Mitrofanova E. Yu.


The results of long-term studies of the taxonomic and ecological-geographical diversity of phytoplankton of Kulundinsky Lake are presented. 192 taxa of algae and cyanobacteria of 7 divisions, 15 classes, 38 orders, 63 families, 102 genera were identified in the plankton communities. The taxonomic spectrum is dominated by cyanobacteria and greens, with a significant participation of diatoms. The basis of plankton diversity consists of widespread representatives of the Holarctic kingdom (cosmopolitan and boreal forms). In relation to the salinity and temperature of the water, indifferents predominate, to the active reaction of the medium - indifferents and alkaliphiles. The share of indicator species of saprobity of the aquatic environment is 42.7 %. в -mesosaprobes predominate among the indicators of saprobity.


Altai State University


General Medicine

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