Trotskovsky A. Ya.,Rodionova L. V.,Nazemtseva Yu. Yu.
This article is а publication devoted to presenting the results of a study of trade and the Altai Krai's economic relations of with the regions of Russia in 1990-2022. The authors are the first to attempt to reveal the dynamics
of changes in the commodity markets of the region for more than twenty years, to assess the role and place of the Siberian regions as consumers of Altai products and suppliers of their products to the Altai market. At the same time, the assessment of the role of the Siberian regions was carried out in two ways: both their total role in the import (export) of products in comparison with other Russian federal districts, and each of the Siberian regions, taking into account their specialization.
A special place in the study was occupied by the analysis of the situation in the food market of the region due to its significance for the region.
Based on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that integration in the commodity markets of the Altai Krai and the Siberian regions as a whole is deeper compared to the other Russian regions. During the period under study, integration further deepened.
The Siberian regions play a significant role both in the consumption of Altai goods, primarily food, and, in particular, in saturating the commodity markets of the region.
The scale and nature of trade and economic relations between the Altai Krai and the Siberian regions are revealed in detail. Characteristic features were variability and inconstancy of the key characteristics of interregional trade and economic relations, coupled with their noticeable inertia, significant differences in trade relations with each of the Siberian regions.
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