1. The Institute of Geological Sciences named after K.I. Satpayev in Almaty
2. The Satbayev University in Almaty
The aim of this study is to determine the prospects of the region for the identification of new objects. For this purpose, it was necessary to solve the tasks of analyzing and summarizing all available geological data on the Torgai trough and based on this, to make forecast maps and determine the prospects for identifying deposits.
Analysis of extensive factual data and outcomes of the sedimentary cover minerals was followed by interpretation of sections at the basic outcrops and wells. All this work resulted in compilation of a new stratigraphic chart of Oligocene-Pliocene deposits of the Torgai trough (Northern Kazakhstan). The paragenetic connection of a number of minerals (placer gold of buried ancient valleys, oolitic brown-iron ores, zircon-rutileilmenite placers, brown coals and lignites) with the deposits was established, their distribution regularities were determined, and their prospects were assessed. This approach allows to plan geological exploration work to search for new mineral deposits.
Two structural complexes are distinguished in the section of the Torgai trough: complexly dislocated Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks that form the folded basement; and weakly dislocated Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments that form the sedimentary cover. Features of the structure of Oligocene-Pliocene sedimentary basins of the Turgai Trough, lithological and facial composition of the strata composing them, and the minerals confined to them allowed to make prediction maps for promising types of minerals on the tectonic basis and to conduct systematics of minerals.
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