
Marques Maria Cristina1,Moura Rui2ORCID,Lima Alexandre1ORCID,Patinha Carla3


1. ICT, Department of Geosciences, Environment and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto

2. CRAS INESCTEC - Centre of Robotics and Autonomous Systems

3. GEOBIOTEC � Geobiosciences, Geoengineering and Geotechnologies, Department of Geosciences, University of Aveiro, Santiago University Campus


In recent years, with the rise of a growing economic and technological interest in lithium mineral resources, there has been a parallel concern, on the part of some local populations and even national environmental groups, for a hypothetical contamination problem that this type of exploitations may cause on the quality of groundwater. Thus, the present study was based on an evaluation of an open-pit quarry, in the socalled Alijo quarry, located in the North of Portugal, in the parish of Canedo, Ribeira de Pena municipality and Vila Real district. This exploitation, under concession by the company Jose Aldeia Lagoa & Filhos, SA, has been going on for at least 11 years and mainly supplies the ceramic and glass industry. It is in this context that this work is carried out. The general objectives are to assess signs of impacts that extractive activities, carried out in the open-pit exploitation area of Alijo, may have caused on the surrounding subsoil. In this sense, it was necessary to consider the aforementioned hypothesis of the existence of possible sources of water drainage with ionic anomalies for the surrounding environment. If this hypothesis were confirmed, then the level of underground conductivity would have to be proportionally high and obtainable through equivalent low values of electrical resistivity (high electrical conductivity). The current study was limited to geophysical tools along with a few chemical analysis of water samples collected in the open-pit exploration for control purposes. The signs we sought for could possibly be manifested in the form of anomalous concentrations of some of the elements of the mineralization of this lithiniferous pegmatite and whose effects could, hypothetically, be measured in the form of anomalous low values of underground electrical resistivity, as well as anomalous pH valuespresent in the drainage water. To this end, a study mainly supported by the electrical resistivity method was carried out. This method is based on the measurement of electrical resistivity variations of different subsoil geological materials, since rocks and soils, depending on their mineralogical composition, texture, porosity, fracturing and the content/chemical composition of the water contained in them, could exhibit anomalous, low electrical resistivity. The results revealed that no low resistivity values were found, typical of areas that normally exhibit natural or anthropogenic geochemical anomalies, or even, in more extreme cases, contaminations with acid drainages whose acidity and resistivity would be even lower and more anomalous.


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