1. University of Life Sciences "King Michael I" from Timisoara
In a common understanding, tailings dumps are represented as categories of engineering constructions where mined underground rocks are stored together with the useful rock represented by underground coal. And the position of tailings dumps, ordinarily, is on the land around the mining operations. For their location, land is chosen that determines the minimum impact on the environment and requires some of the lowest waste disposal costs. Considering that our world is in a continuous ascension, new techniques and methods are present in many fields of engineering, presenting themselves as a modern approach to the conservation, and the greening of the affected areas. In order for greening to be found in the main purpose of the study, it is necessary to arrange, geometrize, weed, and forest the storage area on the studied surface of 3.68 ha. Thus, for better coordination of the works, for aerial determinations a UAV type equipment, namely a Phantom 4 drone, and for ground determinations of the outline of the tailings dump and reference points, a GPS equipment, model Leica GS08, RTK method was used. Such a combination between satellite and photogrammetric methods; led to the creation of a 3D model as true to reality as possible that will be fundamental in the process of afforestation of the tailings dump.
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