David Gheorghe1, Tarau Dorin1, Agapie Alina2, Feier-David Saida1, Sandor Cristian1
1. Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine �King Michael I of Romania� 2. Agricultural Research and Development Station Lovrin (SCDA Lovrin)
The main purpose of the research carried out through 2016-2021, on a chernozem type soil, with remarkable fertility characteristics, located in the lower Plain of Banat, finds its origin in the current scientific discussions and practical preoccupations, which are more and more intense, as it is imperative find and developed an integrated management, which is agronomically efficient, in the current context of global climate change. These represent a major challenge for the agricultural sector, in order to ensure water resources and crop stability, being great priorities in developing policies to prevent and reduce the impact of extreme weather events, which, lately, appear and are manifest a lot more. Under these conditions, the efficient management of extreme meteorological phenomena has a particular importance for the establishment of sustainable plant cultivation technologies, in order to obtain large and profitable agricultural productions. The research was based on the accumulation of scientific data, regarding the development of some agricultural land productivity components, with reference to the cosmic-atmospheric (temperatures, precipitations) and telluric-edaphic offer (hydrophysical properties such as: humidity, useful water capacity, field capacity, wilting coefficient), necessary for the substantiation of some modern culture technologies, capitalizing to the maximum, the physical-geographical as well as the climatic-edaphic conditions, of the lower Plain of Banat from the Western part of Romania. These recurring determinations of soil moisture within the researched area, from a chernozem soil type, cultivated with wheat, as the most important field plant cultivated in our country and in Europe for bread making, are in line with the concerns from the study field, both nationally and globally, as well as in line with the climate changes present in recent decades, through the transfer of knowledge and innovation in agriculture and natural resource risk management. All of the statements mentioned above represent important priorities for the current common agricultural policy of the States Members of the European Union, on medium and long term, regarding the development of the agricultural sector.
STEF92 Technology
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