1. [1] D. Pupazan, C. Ilie, A. Irimia, A. Gireada, I. Kovacs - Study on the behavior of mine rescue brigadesmen exposed to high temperature and humidity in the training facility, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal June 2017 Vol.16 No. 6 ISSN 1582 - 9596.
2. [2] A. Gireada, G.A. Gaman, C. Nicolescu, C. Ilie, A. Irimia, I. Kovacs, Research on establishing the physical effort of rescuers according to the activity performed and type of respiration protection equipment, 8th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Symposium �UNIVERSITARIA SIMPRO� Conference Proceedings ISSN�L 1842 � 4449 ISSN 2344 � 4754.
3. [3] I. Kovacs, G.A. Gaman, C. Ilie, A. Irimia, A. Gireada, Study on cognitive behavioural coping of intervention and rescue personnel in toxic / flammable / explosive environments, MATEC Web of Conferences Volume 121 (2017) 8th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Education � MSE 2017 �Trends in New Industrial Revolution� Sibiu, Romania, June 7-9, 2017 eISSN: 2261-236X.
4. [4] C. Ilie, G. A. Gaman, D. Pupazan, C. Nicolescu, A. Gireada, Research on development of practical abilities of rescuers in interventions in high temperature and humidity environments, 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2019 Conference Proceedings Vol. 19 Science and Technologies in Geology, Exploration and Mining ISSUE 1.3, pag.537-544 ISBN 978-619-7408-78-2.
5. [5] A. Gireada, D. Pupazan, C. Nicolescu, C. Ilie, A. Irimia, Optimizing the training process of intervention and rescue personnel in toxic / explosive / flammable environments, INSEMEX Publishing House, Petrosani 2019.