
Gireada Andrei Lucian1,Pupazan Daniel1ORCID,Ilie Cosmin1,Irimia Alin1,Toth Lorand1


1. National Institute for Research and Development in Mine Safety and Protection to Explosion - INSEMEX Petrosani


Managing emergencies is a complex task, which involves precise coordination of many activities and people, as well as fast decision-making in environments in which critical, vital information can often be lacking. From a technical and technological point of view, in spite of all advances encountered in most industrial branches, accidents with human casualties and material damage can still occur. For this reason, the presence of special intervention and rescue teams within certain industrial/ economic units is essential, because they can ensure a quick and efficient response to limit or eliminate damage that generates aggressive toxic or chemical environments and rescue people affected by such events. Research to date has shown that in the event of an explosion or fire, its management by the economic/industrial operator, in the first phase, is difficult because there is no available structure, capable of ensuring an effective and fast response to such situations. In this context, the paper aims to highlight the serious consequences that may occur in the event that response time is delayed and to establish activities such as theoretical and practical training, equipment, intervention procedures, which must be completed by economic agents in order to increase the degree of resilience to damage in dangerous environments.


STEF92 Technology

Reference7 articles.

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5. [5] A. Gireada, D. Pupazan, C. Nicolescu, C. Ilie, A. Irimia, Optimizing the training process of intervention and rescue personnel in toxic / explosive / flammable environments, INSEMEX Publishing House, Petrosani 2019.







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