1. Kherson State University
2. Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University
3. National park "Biloberezhya Svyatoslava"
Global climate changes, sea level rising, storm activity intensification, and increasing anthropogenic pressure are causing the activation of destructive processes along the coasts of the World Ocean. The corresponding processes are appeared at the most dangerous rates within the coastal barriers.
Within the Black Sea, the total length of coastal barriers is 990 km, 703 km of which are within Ukraine. Corresponding barriers develop in conditions of active wave action and a general deficit of sediments. The maximum height of the relevany formations does not exceed 2.0 � 2.5 m, and the width is 200 � 250 m. The given barriers� morphometry does not contribute to the formation within their limits of large-scale coastal eolian forms, which perform the function of reserve sediments accumulation, protect and stabilize the coast. Accordingly, it is important to study the natural conditions of the Black Sea coastal barriers in order to determine the prospects for the implementation of natural coastal protection. The relevant studies were conducted within the KinburnskaPokrovska-Dovhiy barrier.
The research aim is to determine the suitability of the Kinburnska-Pokrovska-Dovhiy coastal barrier natural conditions for the controlled creation of an artificial foredune as an element of the natural coastal protection system.
Following research objectives would facilitate the achievement of this aim:
- identifying the natural features of the researched barrier;
- investigating the experience of previous works on the creation of artificial foredune;
- analyzing the previous results on the creation of an artificial aeolian form;
- determining the prospects for the creation of artificial aeolian forms within the Black Sea coastal barriers.
The research object is the coastal zone of the Kinburnska-Pokrovska-Dovhiy coastal barrier. The research subject is the analysis of the experiment results on the creation of an artificial aeolian form, as a justification for the implementation of natural coastal protection.
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