1. Military Technical Academy Ferdinand I
The current information age has led, globally, to an exponential increase regarding the availability and the use of the information, both structured and unstructured, a phenomenon known as Big Data. The term Big Data refers not only to the massive volume and variety of data itself, but also to the set of technologies that surround it, in order to collect, store, retrieve, manage, process and analyze data in order to solve complex problems in society, respectively for increasing the quality of life in all its aspects. Given that approximately 80% of the data generated daily has a spatial component, and studies indicate that more than 150 zettabytes (150 trillion gigabytes) of data will require analysis by 2025, it is necessary to create Big Data solutions for storage, organizing, manipulating, viewing, and retrieving relevant information. Today, in the midst of the �data revolution�, more and more countries are launching ambitious programs aimed at developing their use. These programs test the ability of decisionmakers to recognize, structure and exploit data, which is considered a valuable resource, and create the means to generate value from it by facilitating access. The Big Data phenomenon has also conquered the military field, in which the current and emerging object of large-scale data analysis areas is the exploitation of classical techniques such as rule-based systems, shape analysis, tree structures and other analysis technologies in order to develop efficient tools. In this paper we will start from the investigation of the basic characteristics of Big Data and continued with technical details that involves the generation, collection, storage and analysis of geospatial Big Data needed to transform these data into an actionable intelligence.