1. Wroclaw University of Informatics / Foundation for Research on Development and Innovation
The instability of the global fuel economy and increasing environmental problems are forcing the global scientific community to look for substitutes for fossil fuels, primarily oil. A promising direction for research seems to be fuel blends with natural additives or based entirely on renewable resources, the so-called biofuels. One of the more significant developments in biofuel research, is biofuels that use alcohols as part of the biofuel blend. The specific nature of these agents, however, makes it required and necessary to study the effects of using petroleum and alcohol-based concoctions on engine effects. A so-called analytical black box system can be used to perform calculations and create models. In this thesis, the subject of research systems such as white, grey and black boxes will be introduced, with particular emphasis on research methods used in the use of black boxes. In the following part of the paper, the process of using this kind of analysis to determine the combustion processes in an internal combustion engine, using the above-mentioned mixtures, and further to create a physical model of the utility operation, is shown in its entirety.
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