1. Opole University of Technology / VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
2. Opole University of Technology
3. VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
Precipitation is the main source of recharge of water resources, thus guaranteeing their renewability. Not only hydrometeorological changes, but also anthropogenic factors exacerbate the above-mentioned effects. The increase in the level of investment seen especially in recent years in urban agglomerations through the intensification of development, increased development of impervious and paved surfaces, the use of vacant land, and thus the reduction of biologically active areas has resulted in an increase in rainwater runoff into the urban drainage system. As a result, this has caused temporary local urban flooding, or sewer flooding, and has thus become a common problem in today's cities. Prevention has forced the need to pay attention to issues related to the causes of and compensation for water deficits through corrective measures involving the development of effective methods of prevention and counteraction. A change in the approach hitherto prevailing in urban planning has also become a fundamental factor. The traditional approach to the disposal of surface runoff assumed only that rainwater should be discharged as quickly as possible into a receiving body. Traditional sewer systems served this purpose. The purpose of this paper is to perform a review of current solutions in the field of rainwater management and to carry out a technical and economic use of them in relation to the traditional model of the sewerage system.