1. [1] Hasan, H.; Faris, M.A.-I.E.; Mohamad, M.N.; Al Dhaheri, A.S.; Hashim, M.; Stojanovska, L.; Al Daour, R.; Rashid, M.; El-Farra, L.; Alsuwaidi, A.; et al. Consumption, Attitudes, and Trends of Vending Machine Foods at a University Campus: A Cross-Sectional Study. Foods 2021, 10, 2122. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/foods10092122
2. [2] Available online: https://www.anker.com/blogs/solar/solar-powered-vendingmachines (accessed on 20 october 2023).
3. [3] Available online: https://ecofriend.com/solar-energy-powers-awesome-vendingmachines.html (accessed on 20 october 2023).
4. [4] Available online: https://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/3301146/intelligentvending-machines-globalstrategic?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8pqNmdrogAMVxepRCh08qALVEAAYASAAEgIz8v D_BwE#product--toc (accessed on 20 october 2023).
5. [5] EU green public procurement criteria for food, catering services and vending machines https://circabc.europa.eu/ui/group/44278090-3fae-4515-bcc2- 44fd57c1d0d1/library/9cd7f542-d33c-43f6-91af-b3838c08c395/details (accessed on 20 october 2023).