1. Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Faculty of Forest and Environmental
2. The Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
Decomposition of solid waste in landfills causes global air pollution with methane, the most dangerous of the greenhouse gases. The emission potential of this gas is 28-36 times greater than that of CO2. With the help of methane-reducing Biocover, can find a solution to this problem. In this study, a biocover was developed in the laboratory to reduce methane emissions. When measuring the methane emissions of this biocover, data on the amount of carbon dioxide emissions were also obtained in parallel. The purpose of this study is to clarify the interaction between methane emission reduction and carbon dioxide emission flux. The laboratory experiment consisted of three parts. The first part was the creation of experimental tubes. Three experimental columns with a diameter of 160 mm and a height of 1500 mm were created. Active compost saturated with water at a thickness of 500 mm was used as a source of methane, a permeable layer of sand at a thickness of 300 mm was further formed and finally covered with biocover. Biocover represents 60% of fine-fraction waste, 20% of soil and 20% of compost. The second part was taking measurements. All measurements were performed with the Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) gas measurement device Picarro G2508. The third part was the analysis of the obtained data. The obtained data were analyzed by processing the data and obtaining the interaction between these gases. The experiment is planned to be continued by obtaining long-term emission data. This will help to develop more promising future approaches to reduce methane emissions from landfills. This research contributes to the understanding of sustainable environmental management practices and underscores the importance of a holistic approach to address multiple greenhouse gases simultaneously.