Kazimirova Lenka1, Ciderova Denisa1, Sakacova Simona1, Cernak Jozef1
1. University of Economics in Bratislava
The issue of energy self-sufficiency is currently crucial. The concept of energy selfsufficiency is closely related to the concept of energy security; yet, there are many definitions for the term energy security. The essence of all of them is for a country to secure enough energy resources to cover its needs. If a country can secure these resources on its own without depending on imports from other countries, one refers to energy self-sufficiency. Energy self-sufficiency can be achieved in a number of ways such as reducing energy demand, improving fuel efficiency, securing physical infrastructure networks, increasing storage capacity, or increasing the use of renewable energy sources. Fundamental forms of energy self-sufficiency are external self-sufficiency, internal selfsufficiency, and energy consumption; overall, energy self-sufficiency consists of four components: availability; affordability; energy and economic efficiency; and environmental stewardship. Low energy self-sufficiency has a significant economic and social impact, which is reflected in a country's balance of payments and employment, it can lead to economic crises and price instability. Lack of access to reliable and affordable energy can result in food insecurity; health problems; limited access to education, social and economic development. The linkages between energy, food self-sufficiency, and self-sufficiency of water resources are considered in terms of the so-called WEF Nexus (Water-Energy-Food Nexus) that focuses on the interconnectedness of water, energy and food systems to promote sustainable development and address global climate change. Based on the application of scientific methods in relation to the investigation of energy self-sufficiency (the �E� Matrix in the framework of the WEF Nexus) on the background of quantitative & qualitative sustainable development and CSR trends, the main aim of our paper is to assess energy self-sufficiency in the context of the WEF nexus as well as in the light of the United Nations 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in order to formulate opportunities arising from the European Union Recovery and Resilience Plans. When documenting quantitative & qualitative sustainable development trends in the context of the WEF Nexus, our paper addressed the United Nations 2030 Agenda (alias �SDG diplomacy�) as well as the NextGenerationEU Agenda (alias �Green Deal diplomacy�).
STEF92 Technology
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