Macroanatomical and Topographical Features of Body’s Adipose Component Content in Girls


Esaulenko I. E.1,Rozhkova E. A.2,Klochkova S. V.3,Alexeeva N. T.1,Nikityuk D. B.4,Karpova A. V.1


1. N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University

2. Moscow Research-Practical Centre of Medical Rehabilitation, Recovery’s and Sport’s Medicine

3. I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

4. I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University; The Federal Research Centre of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety


The aim of the research is to study quantitative representation and features of adipose component distribution in girls of 16–20 years of age having different constitutional properties.Material and methods. In the investigated Slavic ethnos groups of 250 girls of 16–17 years of age and 250 girls of 18–20 years of age having no signs of pathological processes disturbing physical development dynamics absolute content of body’s adipose component and topographical features of subcutaneous fat distribution in different body areas are evaluated by the methods of caliperometry and bioimpedancometry. As provided by typing according to a constitutional group leptosomic, mesosomic, megalosomic and indefinite constitutional groups have been singled out. Statistical analysis was based on the method of confidence intervals and determination of arithmetical mean index and its error.Results. It has been determined that subcutaneous fat thickness regardless of age and constitutional group is maximal in the abdominal region and minimal in the area of medial forearm region, chest and posterior shoulder region. Constitutional conditionality of this sign is determined by the fact that in the majority of body’s areas subcutaneous fat thickness in mesosomic constitution is 1.8–3.4 times more (р<0.05) in comparison with leptosomic constitution, 1.1–1.6 times more (р<0.05) in comparison with megalosomic constitution, 1.1–1.5 times more (р<0.05) in comparison with the girls of indefinite constitution. Absolute content of body’s adipose component in girls of leptosomic constitution is 2.2–2.3 times (р<0.05) less than in girls of mesosomic constitution. In girls of megalosomic constitution absolute content of body’s adipose component is 1.5 times (р<0.05) less than in girls with mesosomic constitution. In girls of indefinite constitution absolute content of body’s adipose component is 2.2 times (р<0.05) less than in girls of mesosomic constitution. At the age from 16–17 to 18–20 years subcutaneous fat thickness in mesosomic, megalosomic and indefinite constitutions is increasing insignificantly while in the girls of leptosomic group subcutaneous fat thickness is practically invariable. The indices of minimal and maximal subcutaneous fat thickness regardless of constitution and age demonstrate significant individual variability.Conclusion. The carried out morphological analysis has revealed a wide range of individual variation in body’s adipose component content and its dependence on the constitutional type.


VSMU N.N. Burdenko


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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