Muscular Component of the Body in Girls: Constitutional and Individual Features


Esaulenko I. E.1,Alexeeva N. T.1,Karpova A. V.1,Rozhkova E. A.2,Klochkova S. V.3,Nikityuk D. B.4


1. N. N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University

2. Moscow Research-Practical Centre of Medical Rehabilitation, Recovery’s and Sport’s Medicine

3. First I.M. Sechenov Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

4. First I.M. Sechenov Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University); The Federal Research Centre of Biotechnology and Food Safety


The aim of the study was to investigate the content of the muscular component of the body in girls, aged 16–20, with different somatotypes.Material and methods. The study included 500 females, aged 16–20, representatives of the Slavic ethnic group, residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. They were divided into two groups: 16–17 and 18–20 years old (250 girls in each group). The diameter of the wrist and ankle, wrist and calf circumferences (mm), thickness of the dermal-fat fold of the back, shoulder, abdomen and thigh (using a calipometry method) were calculated in girls of all groups. The content of the muscular component of the soma was also calculated by bioimpedansometry (using a Russian device "ABC-01 Медасс"). Statistical processing of findings included calculation of their arithmetic mean values, errors. The significance of differences was determined using parametric and nonparametric criteria (Student and Fisher criteria) depending on the type of distribution in the sample.Results. Heterogeneity of the population was revealed when determining a somatotype: inclusion into a particular constitutional group insignificantly modifies with the transition from 16–17 to 18–20 years of age. Mesosomy was a predominant feature in girls of both age groups (48% of all studied girls aged 16–17 and 40.0% of all studied girls aged 18–20). Girls with megalosomal body type constituted 24.0 and 26.5%, respectively; girls with leptosomal body type constituted 20% in all age groups; girls with undefined body type constituted 8.0% and 13.5%, respectively. The content of the muscular component of the soma demonstrated significant constitutional differences between these parameters. In comparison of the studied groups, there was an insignificant increase in the absolute indices of the muscle component with a decrease in the relative indices - the mass of the muscle component to body weight – with increasing age.Conclusion. The data obtained demonstrate significant constitutional features of the absolute and relative (percentage) content of the muscle component of the body as an important aspect of the female physical status. This information is relevant for both theoretical and practical medicine.


VSMU N.N. Burdenko


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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