Umbilical Cord Teratoma: A Rare Case Report


Gansburgskii A. N.1,Yal'tsev A. V.1,Sleptsov A. R.1,Sleptsova D. A.1


1. Yaroslavl State Medical University


The state of the stroma, blood vessels and the anatomical features of the umbilical cord are of direct diagnostic value, and various pathological changes can become the primary cause of fetal death. The frequency of umbilical cord tumors is not reliably known due to a very rare incidence: in the available literature there were reported about 19 cases.The aim of the study was to clinically and pathohistologically analyze a case of umbilical cord teratoma and to give an analytical review of recently reported cases.The material was obtained from a healthy 35-year-old woman with a third pregnancy. Combined ultrasound screening at the 20th week of pregnancy revealed a solid structure with cystic inclusions along the periphery on the umbilical cord. In the solid component, hyperechoic inclusions giving acoustic shadows were visualized; in the color Doppler imaging mode the neoplasm was avascular. A dead premature baby girl was born at 35th week. The cause of intrauterine fetal death was mechanical compression of the vessels of the umbilical cord by teratoma. Microscopic examination of the umbilical cord neoplasm in the area of the solid component demonstrated a pronounced development of the sebaceous glands, adipose tissue, myelinic nerve fibers, hair follicles; in the cystic component – epidermoid cysts. This evidenced about organismoid mature teratomas. Due to their rare incidence umbilical teratomas should be reported to better understand their pathomorphosis and impact on infant morbidity and mortality. Given the increased risk of concomitant malformations, the detection of an umbilical teratoma should be accompanied by a detailed and comprehensive examination of the newborn for additional pathologies.


VSMU N.N. Burdenko


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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