Salivary Glands of Vertebrates: Ecological, Morphological and Evolutionary Aspects


Shevlyuk N. N.1,Dolgov V. A.1,Dolgova E. V.1


1. Orenburg State Medical University


The aim of the study was to compare ecological and morphological features and evolutionary dynamics of the salivary glands in representatives of different classes of vertebrates living in different ecological conditions.Material and methods. The glandular structures of the tongue of vertebrates belonging to various taxonomic and ecological groups (fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals) were studied. The material obtained was processed using histological and histochemical methods.The results of the study demonstrated that in the course of the evolutionary transformations of vertebrates, an increase and complication of the glandular structures of the tongue occurred due to changes in the environmental factors and in the nature of nutrition and food consumed. The evolutionary transformations of the glandular structures of the organ was directed from unicellular intraepithelial glandular structures (for example, in fish) to the complex multicellular salivary glands of higher mammals, in which there was a division into terminal secretory sections and secretory pathways. In the course of evolution, the number of functions performed by the salivary glands of the tongue has also increased. The digestive and endocrine functions were added to the function of protecting the mucous organ from damage. The serous glands of the tongue are phylogenetically younger. Their occurrence is associated with the participation of the glands of the tongue in the initial stages of chemical food processing. The preservation of more ancient mucous glands against the background of the emergence of new organisms in the course of evolution - mucoserous, seromucous and serous glands, - indicates that in the course of evolutionary development, the glandular structures of the tongue demonstrate parallelism of divergent changes.


VSMU N.N. Burdenko


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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