Features of the Fat Component of the Body of Girls Depending on the Constitutional Specifics


Klochkova S. V.,Pogonchenkova I. V.,Rozhkova E. A.,Alexeeva N. T.,Nikityuk D. B.,Kvaratskheliya A. G.


The aim of the study is to obtain quantitative data on the absolute and relative content of the body fat component in girls of different constitutional groups living in the Moscow region. Material and methods. The content of body fat in 722 girls, students, residents of Moscow and Moscow region, representatives of the Slavic ethnos was determined by the method of bioimpedance measurements. Thickness of subcutaneous fat folds was determined by the method of caliperometry. The result of the anthropometric survey identified the presence of asthenic, stenoplastic somatotype (leptosomic constitution), endomorph, mesoplastic somatotypes (mesosomic constitution), athletic, subatellite and europlastic somatotypes (megalosomic constitution). Results. In the studied population, regardless of age, is dominated by girls mesosomic (32.5-39.0%) and megalosomic (31.5-33.3%) groups, several less commonly detected women leptosomic (the 18.6-24.3%) and unspecified (9.1-11.7%) of the constitutions. Thickness of subcutaneous fat folds is dominated by girls mesosomic constitution, and has a minimum value when leptosomic. The absolute content of the fat mass is also smaller when leptosomic constitution. In 20 years the thickness of subcutaneous fat folds, as well as the absolute content of body fat mass in mesosomic, megalosomic and uncertain constitution mainly increases, and the girls leptosomic body almost does not change. Conclusion. The studies have shown a significant impact of the constitutional affiliation of girls on the severity of their fat component, which was proved by both caliper measurement and as a result of bioimpedance studies. Age-related changes in the fat content of the body are also associated with the constitutional type.


VSMU N.N. Burdenko


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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