Association of single nucleotide polymorphism rs3213119 variant of IL-12B gene in diagnosed Rheumatoid Arthritis patients


Mirza Iffat Ejaz,Amir Rashid Amir Rashid,Amer Fakhr Amer Fakhr,Asifa Majeed Asifa Majeed,Ali Rathore Ali Rathore,Zunaira Ali Baig Zunaira Ali Baig


Objective: To identify the IL12B gene variant (rs3213119) and to find its association in Pakistani clinical population of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Methods: It was a population association (unrelated) case control study, performed from January - December 2022 at Laboratory of Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Army Medical College, Rawalpindi. Blood samples were collected from all 150 study participants, followed by DNA extraction and Allele-specific polymerase chain reaction performed at Center for Research in Experimental and Applied Medicine (CREAM) Laboratory of Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Army Medical College Rawalpindi. Statistical analysis was done using ‘SPSS’ (version-22), followed by gene analysis on ‘SNPstat’. Results: About 28.0% of RA patients were smokers, 38.7% had history of RA in a first degree relative and 70.7% had positive history of consanguinity. Considering rs3213119 variant of IL12B gene, frequency of major allele C was 100%, minor allele A was 21%, genotype C/C was 79% and C/A was 21%. Applying the log additive model, the odds ratio of the genotype C/C was 1.00 (adjusted by age and gender with 95 % CI) and the odds ratio of the genotype C/A was 0.00, 52.0% of RA patients originated from four predominant ethnic groups, namely Awaans (18.7%), Rajputs (14.7%), Pathans (12.0%) and Araeens (6.7%). Conclusion: The study findings suggest the role of minor allele ‘A’ as risk allele in our clinical population. CA genotype confers susceptibility towards the RA development. doi: How to cite this: Mushtaq I, Rashid A, Fakhr A, Majeed A, Rathore A, Baig ZA. Association of single nucleotide polymorphism rs3213119 variant of IL-12B gene in diagnosed Rheumatoid Arthritis patients. Pak J Med Sci. 2024;40(5):---------. doi: This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences







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