Hand ischemia in patients undergoing renal replacement therapy: assessment by thermography


Miranda Monica Karla Vojta1ORCID,Simplício Irinéia de Oliveira Bacelar1ORCID,Bezerra Jociléia da Silva1ORCID,Ferreira Mariane Santos1ORCID,Lima Fernanda da Silva2ORCID,Blandes Antônia Irisley da Silva2ORCID,Simplício Alessandra Tânara Corrêa2ORCID,Alves Leandro Procópio3ORCID


1. Universidade Anhembi Morumbi

2. Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará

3. Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco


Objective: To assess the presence of ischemia in the distal portion of the hands of the upper limbs with arteriovenous fistula (AVF) in patients undergoing renal replacement therapy (RRT) using infrared thermography. Method: The sample consisted of 15 patients on RRT via hemodialysis using an AVF who answered a questionnaire prepared by the authors themselves with sociodemographic data, diagnosis, vital signs and data on AVF. To obtain thermograms of hands with and without AVF, a C5 infrared thermographic camera, FLIR Systems, was used, fixed 50 cm from participants’ hands, favoring bilateral framing of both hands. The data obtained were organized in an Excel 2011® spreadsheet and statistically compared using the Microcal Origin 6.0 program to assess whether there was a difference between temperature averages. Results: Regarding sociodemographic variables, males were predominant, with a mean age of 45 years, (incomplete/complete) elementary school, married and from other municipalities. Thermography demonstrated that there is a difference in temperature between hands with AVF and without AVF, with a temperature variation of 1.78°C (± SD 1.99°C), lower for hands with AVF. Conclusion: The analysis of hand blood distribution using thermography can provide evidence on peripheral microcirculation and guide the early diagnosis and treatment of AVF-induced ischemia in individuals undergoing RRT as an innovative auxiliary diagnostic tool for complications of venous access in hemodialysis patients.


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