
Yarovova Darya S.1,Trankovskaya L. V.1,Vazhenina A. A.1


1. Pacific State Medical University


The review of literature is devoted to features of the formation of health and physical development of young hockey players. We have studied the factors exerting an impact on the health of young hockey players. The relevance of a problem is caused by the fact that growth of sporting achievements of the hockey player is carried out against the background of yet not completed processes of formation of an organism, at influence essential on the volume and intensity of training and competitive loads. Thus formation at the hockey player of a condition of overtraining and overfatigue against the background of intensive training process can worsen a functional state and contribute to the development of a premorbid and pathological changes that won’t lead to the expected steady growth of sports indices and further longevity of the hockey player in the world of professional sport. In our work characteristics of the organization of the training process, functional and pathological changes of an organism in the course of the training are submitted. Features of the efficiency of young athletes are described. The analysis of the incidence rate of young athletes according to domestic and foreign authors is carried out. The most problematic issues in the assessment of the health of young athletes and influences of factors of the environment are established: biological rhythms, food of athletes, creation of training process, the simultaneous combination of kinds of activity of children. One of the current problems of maintaining the health of young athletes was determined to be a lack of an accurate system of monitoring of a condition of their health at various stages of educational- training and competitive process, taking into account age features of the level of biological maturation. In this regard the development and use of health saving technologies at all stages of an educational training cycle, in a combination with a comprehensive examination of young hockey players and the assessment of the influence of factors of the environment is relevant. Thus, a number of not enough studied questions demands the for a further continuation of profound and comprehensive study with the development of new approaches to preservation and development of the a health of young hockey players.


Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene F.F.Erisman


Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Pollution,General Medicine

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