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3. Kuchma V.R. Hygienic safety of hyperinformatization of children’s vital activity Gigiena i sanitariya [Hygiene and Sanitation, Russian journal] 2017; 96 (1): 1059–63. (in Russian)
4. Kuchma V.R., Sukhareva L.M., Khramtsov P.I. Modern approaches to ensuring the hygienic safety of children’s life in a hyperinformation society Voprosy shkol’noy i universitetskoy meditsiny i zdorov’ya [Problems of School and University Medicine and Health]. 2016; 3: 22–7. (in Russian)
5. Kuchma V.R., Sukhareva L.M., Khramtsov P.I. Medical and preventive basis for the safe life of children in a hyper-informational society Rossiyskiy pediatricheskiy zhurnal [Russian Pediatric Journal]. 2017; 20 (3): 161–5. (in Russian)