1. Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies
Introduction. Data obtained in laboratory research on the safety of products performed within surveillance and control activities are most informative for products risk assessment and assessment of risks for consumers health. But the same time resources provided for laboratory research are limited; therefore, examinations can’t cover all the parameters that characterize the safety of an object under surveillance. Consequently, it is necessary to optimize laboratory control over products safety; after optimization, it will require acceptable costs but still will be most informative and reliable to solve tasks related to control and detection of non-compliance with obligatory safety requirements. Data and methods. We analyzed the results of scheduled and unscheduled inspections on products safety performed by Federal Service on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare Supervision in 2015-2017. We estimated percent and shares of product samples deviating from standards as per separate parameters. The potential risk to consumers’ health was estimated in situations when requirements to products safety failed to meet. The potential risk was estimated in conformity with methodical approaches approved by Federal Service on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare Supervision. Results. It was detected that even when laboratory researches were quite significant in volumes, the overall percent of violations detected during it was at a rather low level (approximately 5%). the The frequency of violations detected for specific products as per specific parameters was found to be substantially higher than the average figure and could reach 46%. Discussion. Efficiency of laboratory support for control activities can be increased significantly if a certain algorithm is implemented. The algorithm involves in-depth analysis of laboratory results collected over many years of control on products safety; creation of “violations profiles” and, in future, “risk profiles” for specific product groups; and choice on priority indices that are subject to obligatory control. The analysis results should substantiate more frequent instrumental measuring of indices for which there is the maximum probability of hygienic standards violation and that can cause the highest population health risks; at the same time, “low-risk” indices will be measured less frequently. This approach completely corresponds to internationally accepted principles of risk-oriented surveillance and ensures that control and surveillance activities are concentrated on products most hazardous for consumers’ health.
Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene F.F.Erisman
Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Pollution,General Medicine
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