Nazhalkina N. M,Tregubov V. G,Pokrovskiy V. M
The purpose. To compare efficiency of application of Bisoprosol and Nebivolol in patients with paroxysmal supra-ventricular tachycardia against the background of hypertension disease considering their effect on regulatory adaptive status.Materials and method. The sampling consisted of 50 patients with paroxysmal supra-ventricular tachycardia against the background of hypertension disease stage I-II randomized to two groups for treatment with Bisoprosol (3,9±1,3 mg per day, n=25) or Nebivolol (3,8±1,2 mg per day, n=25). The combined therapy provided Lisinopril (7,5±2,5 and 7,4±2,4 mg per day)and in case of indications - Atorvastatin (15,4±3,8 mg per day, n=9 и 15,9±4,1 mg per day, n=9) and acetylsalicylic acid (91,5±14,7 mg per day, n=12 и 93,1±16,2 mg per day, n=14) correspondingly. Initially and after 6 months quantitative evaluation of regulatory adaptive status (by means of testing cardio-respiratory synchronism), echocardiography, triplex scanning of brachiocephalic arteries, six minutes walk testing, tredmilmetry, day monitoring of arterial pressure and electrocardiograms, subjective evaluation of life quality were implemented.Results. It is established that both schemes of combined therapy had comparable effect, controlled arterial hypertension, ameliorated functional and structural condition of heart. The application of Nebivolol positively effected regulatory adaptive status and in a greater degree increases tolerance to physical load and ameliorated life quality.Conclusion. The application of Nebivolol as compared with Bisoprosol in combined therapy is more preferable in patients with paroxysmal supra-ventricular tachycardia against the background of hypertension disease stage II-III due to positive effect of regulatory adaptive status.