Korneva Lyubov V.,Snarskaya E. S,Nodelman E. K
Epidemiological and molecular biological data suggest that the beta human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause the development of a number of epithelial skin tumors, but this interconnection is currently not fully understood. Besides detection of beta HPV, it is necessary to measure and quantify the viral load, it is a new approach in the diagnosis of HPV infection. 52 patients were examined to identify the association of epithelial neoplasias beta human papilloma virus in immunocompromised and immunocompetent patients in the department of chronic hemodialysis and kidney transplantation of Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute. HPV detection was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with hybridization-fluorescence detection in real time (Real-Time). Amplification and detection were performed on the tool Rotor-Gene 3000 (“Corbett Research”, Australia). For quantification of beta HPV recombinant plasmid positive controls, as well as control plasmidfragment offi-globin human gene (FSIS CRIE Rospotrebnadzor) were used. In fibroepithelial polyp and in apparently healthy skin of immunosuppressive patients - renal transplant recipients (RPT) with a high frequency was detected beta HPV DNA - 64 and 54%, respectively, compared to healthy skin (47% of cases). In fibroepithelial polyp in 57% of immunosuppressive RPT mixed infection was revealed. Viral load in the fibroepithelial polyp was higher than that as in apparently normal skin and in donors skin. The high detection ofHPVDNA in RTP, as in the fibroepithelial polyp and in apparently healthy skin was found. Immunocompetent patients had high HPV DNA detection only in fibroepithelial polyp compared with apparently healthy skin.